This article will guide you on “How to draw a tiger” in simple and easy steps. Drawing a tiger is quite interesting for fun, however, it may be a challenging experience. By following these steps, you will learn to draw the tiger.
Step 1: First of all, draw the combination of lines as follows.
Step 2: Complete the left leg, back, and upper part of a tiger by drawing a continuous
Step 3: Then, draw the tail by drawing the two similar curves. Add stripes on the tail. Also, darken them.
Step 4: Then, draw the lower part of the belly by adding a simple curve.
Step 5: Draw the tiger’s stripes and hair features on the body. Also, darken them.
Step 6: Add the front pair of legs. Also, add stripes to the legs.
Step 7: Complete the face by drawing the outline of the face and ears.
Step 8: At the end, finish the tiger by drawing the lower and upper beard.
Step 9: The last step is to color the whole sketch. Darken the tiger’s stripes and also add shading.
Don’t give up if your first attempt at “How to draw a tiger” doesn’t turn out perfectly right. Remember that drawing is an art that requires practice. Continue to practice more and enjoy yourself!
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